Is it possible to find out the location of a lost phone using the GLONASS system?

You can find your phone using satellite navigation if it has a navigation receiver ( GLONASS , GPS or GLONASS/GPS) installed, which provides the location of the device.
In addition, a software module must be installed on the device that transmits these coordinates to the dispatch center or cloud service.
If the software module is enabled on your phone, then the device coordinates are transmitted to a special service where you can see the current location of the device.
Contact the phone manufacturer's support service.

How can I get information about the movement of a car equipped with the GLONASS system?

To determine the location of the car, it is necessary to know what functionality the navigation device installed in the car has, or rather, whether the location data was recorded and transmitted to the server.
Depending on the type of device, location information can:
displayed on the device screen;
be used for route planning;
be written to the device memory;
transmitted to the server of some system (vehicle monitoring system, anti-theft system, etc.).
This information can be obtained from the equipment manufacturer, from the organization that installed (maintained) the equipment.
If the ERA-GLONASS emergency call equipment was installed on the car, then contact the official operator of the OA GLONASS system .

With what accuracy is the location of an object determined by GLONASS?

The GLONASS system provides conditions sufficient for determining the location of an object.
In the Technical characteristics of GLONASS section, you can see the values of the positioning error due to the GLONASS space segment .
At the same time, the accuracy of positioning using GLONASS signals depends on many factors, among which the main ones are:
conditions for the passage of navigation signals to the point where the navigation receiver antenna is located (for example, the propagation of signals in tunnels, under dense tree crowns, in areas of dense high-rise buildings is difficult);
class and quality of navigational equipment.
According to GOST R 55539-2013 “Global navigation satellite system. Navigation modules for use in ground navigation equipment. Technical requirements and test methods” for navigation modules that are used to monitor transport, the following technical requirements are put forward:
4.8 Limiting hardware errors of navigation determinations based on GLONASS and GPS signals (in terms of probability level 0.95) with values of the spatial geometric factor PDOP not more than 3 should not exceed:
for coordinates in the plan - 3 m;
for height - 5 m;
for the components of the velocity vector - 0.15 m/s.

Why does the receiver show the wrong location of city objects on the map?

GLONASS satellite signals do not carry any information about objects on the Earth's surface.
They provide the receiving device with information for orientation in space and determining coordinates. Information about geographical objects, like any other cartographic information, is embedded in the user's receiving device.
In case of errors of this kind, you should contact the manufacturer of the receiver or the developer of the map loaded into your device.

What is a Dual System Receiver?

Dual-system receivers use all available navigation satellites to determine coordinates. For example, two visible GPS satellites and one GLONASS already allow you to calculate the position of the receiver: the GPS device will be powerless in this situation.
The use of two-system receivers provides a great improvement in the quality of navigation in real conditions, while the two-system nature does not affect the accuracy of determining coordinates. An insufficient signal from satellites of one system at a given location and at a given time is compensated by satellites of another system.

What is the difference between GLONASS navigators and GPS navigators?

The main difference is the signal and its structure, the GPS system uses code division of channels. In the GLONASS system - frequency division of channels.
The structure of the signal is also different. Fundamentally different mathematical models are used to describe the movement of satellites in orbit. For GPS, this is a model in osculating elements. This model implies that the satellite's trajectory is divided into segments, in which the motion is described by the Keplerian model, the parameters of which change over time. The GLONASS system uses a differential motion model. This means that in order to determine the satellite coordinates at a given point in time, it is required to solve a system of differential equations. To solve this system, initial values are needed. In the case of GLONASSthese approximations are transmitted from the satellite as part of the navigation information, so they are available to the receiver. The task of solving differential equations is numerical integration, which is a laborious task.

Is the distribution of the GLONASS signal free or do you have to pay for it?

Distribution of the GLONASS signal is free (latitude, longitude and altitude coordinates are available).

How to become a GLONASS dealer?

The signal of the GLONASS system is provided absolutely free of charge, and is available in the presence of equipment that receives the navigation signal. Therefore, the very concept of "GLONASS dealer" is incorrect.